Monday, September 17, 2012

Chimineas Ranch - San Luis Obispo County, CA

April 20, 2012

You've never heard of Chimineas Ranch? Yeah, me neither. At least I hadn't before I had the opportunity to visit during a Flora of San Luis Obispo County workshop that I participated in through the Jepson Herbarium. Chimineas is waaay out in the middle of nowhere in SLO County.  It's southwest-ish of Soda Lake, which is part of the Carrizo Plain (I was sooo close!). We were lucky to have THE Chimineas biotanist with us (whose name I simply CAN NOT remember at the moment, big surprise), and he led us along the main road through the ranch to some interesting spots with fun wildflowers. 2012 was unfortunately a "bad" wildflower year; however, we still got to see some beauties.  While there we stopped for bathroom breaks and lunch at the ranch house, which I got the impression is available for retreats and the like. Would be a fun place to stay. There's a very inviting pool! And swallows! So many swallows! They were building their nests in the eaves of the house and flitting all around. We also saw a couple coyotes, a ton of meadow larks, and a pair of burrowing owls (proud to say that was my find on the way in). Unfortunately, I was unable to get any pictures of these critters since I was in a group setting and had no control over the stops that we took. Plus, we were on a mission for plants, not animals.

Ranch House


Plant Nerds in their Element

Clarkia sp.

Delphinium sp.

Southern Chaparral

Ceanothus sp.

That's a long road 

The Carrizo Plain is out there...